upgrading the skills of professionals for gender-sensitive career guidance!
Guide focuses on increasing the awareness of gender bias and barriers in career counselling.

what we aim for!

GUIDE focuses on the issue of gender and career development and the continuing barriers to achieving equality of opportunity in this area. For this purpose, Career Guidance Professionals (CGP) must adopt a gender-sensitive approach and avoid using stereotypes when supporting individuals in their career decisions.
We aim to help career counsellors move away from biases based on traditional roles that can limit choices to ensure that equal opportunities are offered to all genders without tapping human talent and resources. Let’s ensure all genders are enabled to choose among opportunities based on interest and ability rather than gender.

GUIDE will develop a set of learning resources and methods and make it available to CGPs, universities, and other training providers to support all genders in making career decisions without using gender stereotypes.
Gender influences a wide range of career-related attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes. This includes career choice, career experiences, work attitudes, other people’s perceptions, and career outcomes. Therefore, to understand individuals’ careers, it is important to consider gender.
Gender-sensitive approaches regarding career choices refer to methodologies and practices that ensure all genders’ concerns, aspirations, opportunities, and capacities are considered.
Professionals with career guidance responsibilities should be gender be aware of their biases and help all genders to acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career options and narrow them down to make a career decision, without using gender stereotypes.
Career counsellors must adopt a gender-sensitive approach and avoid using stereotypes when supporting individuals in career decisions.
Professionals with career guidance responsibilities need to hold and share knowledge about the effects of gender, particularly its impact on the vocational development of young people.
to be produced
This digital tool is designed to help professionals with career guidance responsibilities (career counsellors / teachers / advisors etc.) to explore and identify gender stereotypes and barriers that exist among all genders and may influence their career decisions.
This digital tool aims to discover how people make their career decisions – Career Decision - Making Styles - and how their stereotypes influence their decision-making style.
This Online Training Programme aims to upgrade the skills of professionals / teachers in career guidance, to be able to identify gender stereotypes which all genders (may) have and implement gender-sensitive approaches and tools to help them choose their career path..
This toolkit aims to support professionals in career guidance addressing the topic of gender stereotypes and equality.
A step-by-step guide designed to boost the gender sensitive career guidance in higher education, other training providers and organisations and professionals in career guidance.