Year of publication: Unavailable
Author/Organizations involved: PageGroup
Area of investigation: Job Gender-Stereotyping
Brief Abstract / Data analyzed:
A study revealed that young children in the UK hold gender-stereotyped views regarding specific job roles.
Drawings from over one hundred children aged 7-11 were submitted. Each child was asked to draw a nurse, a builder, a lawyer, and a banker, as well as the job they aspire to have when they grow up. Where gender was identifiable, the drawings showed a clear gender skew for specific roles:
81% of children drew nurses as female;
88% of children drew builders as male;
80% of children drew bankers as male;
65% of children drew lawyers as male making it the most gender-balanced of the four professions.
Highlights / Importance: 4 out of 5 children think banking is a man’s job and nursing is a woman’s.
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