Category: Campaign

Area: Breaking down gender stereotypes

Place/Country: Spain

Date: 2023

Institutions involved: The Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats; together with Amaya Mendikoetxea, rector of the UAM (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) and head of CRUE Equality; and María Ángeles Sallé, expert on segregation in education.

Target group: Students from universities in Spain

Goals / Objectives /Aims: To help promote equal opportunities and eliminate gender roles associated with scientific and technological careers.

Content / Structure / Description including strengthening action competence

They have designed a number of workshops that are based on coeducation in the classroom and are led by a group of gender equility-focused educational psychologists to dispel geneder steroetypes in schools.

Results / Responses → Resulting Competences:

They have noticed changes in the way children are aware that there are gender stereotypes that they feel should not continue to be reproduced in society.

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