Organisator: Mind the Gap

Target group: The group of students consisted mostly of women (there was only one boy), of different ages and backgrounds.

Date: 30/04/2018

Description: There were two parts to the course: The first was more theoretical and included data, statistics, and, most importantly, the dimensions that, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index (GGI), define gender discrimination. The second part was a reflection on orientation generalizations through a studio on counter-publicizing.

Objectives/Purpose – Skill/ability/area trained: The overall goal of “Mind the Gap” is to help address gender stereotypes in education in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. This will lessen the impact of gender expectations on the choices that girls and boys make in life, work, and education.

Outcomes – Expectations: In preparing for the course, they expected to participate and open a dialogue on the topic with the group. The results were good, as the course developed into an extraordinarily interesting lecture thanks to the students’ contributions.

Activity/Exercise description: Two activities for the students and training tools for the teachers.

Timings Venue: Adult School of Quart de Poblet, in the neighborhood of Cristo.

Follow-up and measurement tools: The teachers were given some tools to use once the workshop ended.

References/Resources/Further info:

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