Category: Project
Area: Gender inequality
Place/Country: ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch) / The Netherlands
Date: Launched in 2020
Institutions involved: Ten (10) VET schools
Target group: Students and VET learners
Goals / Objectives /Aims:
Develop & deliver a set of innovative interventions to support gender diversity and inclusion in VET. Action, through training and tests, is necessary in order to familiarize students with sexual and gender diversity, while avoiding the emergence of stereotypes, which may affect their career decisions.
Content / Structure / Description including strengthening action competence
Emphasis was given on the following:
- Clarifying the concepts of diversity and inclusion;
- Designing interschool interventions and defining working methods to test them;
- Providing pedagogical teacher training in diversity and inclusion issues;
- Aligning schools’ policies and implementation initiatives and raising the commitment of their teaching staff.
Results / Responses → Resulting Competences:
Students were excited to participate in educational activities and develop even more their soft skills.
Feedback / Evaluation of the practice:
The project is still ongoing => both students and teachers are willing to participate and gain more from this initiative. The overall evaluation of the practice is more than satisfying.
Link to the source: