
Everything you need to know about GUIDE project!

Following you will find everything regarding our project. GUIDE is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that lasts 36 months. Our project recently began its journey, on November 2022, and its implementation will end in October 2025.

The aim.

GUIDE project focuses on the issue of gender and career development and the continuing barriers to achieving equality of opportunity in this area. For this purpose, it is important Career Guidance Professionals (CGP) to adopt a gender sensitive approach and avoid using stereotypes when supporting individuals in making their career decisions.

The project aims to help career counselors to move away from biases based on traditional roles which can limit choices so as to ensure that equal opportunities are offered to all genders without taping the human talent and resources. It is important to ensure that all genders are enabled to choose among opportunities on the basis of interest and ability rather than gender.

The project results.

During the implementation of the project a range of digital tools will be developed to support Career Guidance Professionals (CGP) to adopt a gender sensitive approach and avoid using stereotypes when supporting individuals in making their career decisions. The results will be the following:

  1. Digital Tool for identifying stereotypes in career decisions.

This Digital tool aims to assist professionals with career guidance responsibilities (career counsellors / teachers / advisors etc.) in exploring and identifying gender stereotypes and barriers which all genders may have and affect their decision, regarding their professional career.

  1. Digital Tool for Career Decision-Making Styles.

This Digital tool aims to identify the way individuals takes their decisions regarding their professional career – Career Decision – Making Styles – and in what way their decision-making style is being influenced by their stereotypes.

  1. Online Training Programme in Gender Sensitive Career Guidance.

This Online Training Programme aims to upgrade the skills of professionals / teachers in career guidance, so as to be able to identify gender stereotypes which all genders (may) have and implement gender sensitive approaches and tools for helping them to choose their career path.

  1. Gender Sensitive Career Guidance Toolkit.

This Toolkit aims to support professionals in career guidance addressing the topic of gender stereotypes and equality.  A step-by-step guide designed to boost the gender sensitive career guidance in higher education, other training providers and organisations and professionals in career guidance.


The consortium consists of 9 organisations from 8 different European countries.

Target groups

The project is addressed to the following groups:

  • Professionals in career guidance.
  • Career counsellors / advisors.
  • Organisations working in the field of career guidance.
  • Centers of Educational and Counselling Support.
  • Career Guidance Bureaus of Universities.
  • Teacher / trainers in higher education with career guidance responsibilities.
  • Young people.
  • Students in Universities and other educational institutions.
  • Adult and VET training institutions.
  • Adult and VET teachers / trainers with career guidance responsibilities.
  • Relevant stakeholders
  • NGOs and organisations in the field of gender equality.
  • Public authorities in with career guidance responsibilities.
  • Centers for Promotion to Employment.
  • Job Finding Bureaus.
  • Public and private career guidance stakeholders.

Stay tuned for more!