GUIDE Your Future project’s Open event in The Netherlands

GUIDE Your Future – project’s Open event in The Netherlands

The European Institute for Diplomacy and Policy (EIPD) recently hosted the GUIDE Your Future project’s Open event on April 10th, 2023, at their headquarters in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The event served as a pivotal platform to showcase the latest developments within the GUIDE project, with a focus on addressing gender stereotypes in career guidance.

A total of 10 participants actively engaged in the event, which featured an array of interactive activities and discussions. Attendees had the opportunity to explore the project’s results firsthand, including a newly developed digital tool aimed at identifying and challenging unconscious gender biases in perceptions of professional opportunities.

Throughout the event, participants delved into the project’s context, key stages, and notable achievements to date. From the project website to interviews with career guidance experts, attendees gained valuable insights into the multifaceted approach employed by the GUIDE initiative.

Interactive elements such as role-playing exercises and group discussions fostered dynamic dialogue and encouraged participants to reflect on their own perceptions of gender in various professions. The group exercise, in particular, prompted thoughtful reflection on gender stereotypes, facilitated collaborative decision-making, and promoted unity around the issue of gender discrimination in career paths.

Overall, the event successfully raised awareness about the pervasive impact of gender stereotypes on career decisions across all genders. By fostering critical reflection and promoting inclusivity, the GUIDE project aims to empower individuals to make informed career choices free from restrictive gender norms.

The positive response from participants underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to combat gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in career guidance. Moving forward, the insights gathered from this event will inform future initiatives aimed at creating more inclusive and equitable career pathways for all.