Reviewing the Gender Equality Index of (EIGE) in the countries involved in EU GUIDE project.- featured

Reviewing the Gender Equality Index of (EIGE) in the countries involved in EU GUIDE project.

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has developed the Gender Equality Index (GEI), which has been recognized as a trustworthy measurement tool for tracking the progress of gender equality in the EU Member States. The index consists of six core domains (Work, Money, Knowledge, Time, Power, and Health) and two satellite domains (Violence against women and Intersecting inequalities). The measurement provides a number between 1 and 100, where 100 indicates no gender gap. Since 2013, EIGE has been publishing annual reports on monitoring the GEI in the 27 Member States to gives more visibility to areas that need improvement and the attention of policy makers to design and implement more effective gender equality measures.

According to the most recent evaluation of EIGE in 2022, the average Gender Equality Index across all EU MSs was 68.6 (out of 100). In this news article, we present how the countries that are part of the EU project GUIDE (i.e., Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain) are ranking in the EIGE’s latest evaluation (in 2022).

Reviewing the Gender Equality Index of (EIGE) in the countries involved in EU GUIDE project. -pic1

As we can see from the above Figure, most countries in GUIDE project are above the EU average GEI. The maximum and minimum GEIs in 2022 have been registered for Denmark (79.5) and Greece (65.6) respectively. The details of the Index with main domains are shown in the next Figure.

Reviewing the Gender Equality Index of (EIGE) in the countries involved in EU GUIDE project. pic2

All EU GUIDE project partners have the highest gender equality score in the Health domain, as shown by the radar plot above. It means that both men and women benefit from equal health status, health behavior, and access to the health services (the three aspects of the Health domain).

Particularly, the Work domain, which is the main focus of the EU GUIDE project, all eight involved countries still have considerable room for improving their index, the same applies to the Knowledge aspect, for which all these countries have important opportunities to improve.

Furthermore, the indexes for the Power and Time domains show a large discrepancy across these Member States, which shows that the synergies in the project can further be leveraged to improve their Gender Equality Index.

Reference:  European Institute for Gender Equality. (n.d.). Gender equality index: 2022. European Institute for Gender Equality. Retrieved April 24, 2023 (here)

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