
GUIDE Objectives

The GUIDE project focuses on the issue of gender and career development and to the continuing barriers to achieving equality of opportunity in this area.  Specifically, this project aims to help Career counselors to move away from biases and stereotypes based on traditional roles of men and women which can limit choices so as to ensure that equal opportunities are offered to both women and men without taping the human talent and resources. This project is guided by four main objectives.

Project’s objectives

  • O1: Support professionals with career guidance responsibilities to check and move away from biases from traditional gender roles which can limit choices and hamper aspirations
  • O2: Develop gender sensitive career counselling tools for helping women and men to make better career choices
  • O3: Train career counselors and teachers so as to improve their knowledge regarding gender inequalities in career guidance and become gender conscious
  • O4: Develop a Toolkit for helping career counselors and teachers to guide women and men equally and without stereotypes

Partners are currently working on the collection of information, approaches and good practices regarding the identification of stereotypes in career decisions and the provision of gender sensitive career guidance.

Connect and learn more of the GUIDE project and its activities here: