Category: Handbook

Area: Stereotyping, Gender inequality

Place/Country: Germany, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Austria, Italy, Slowenia

Date: 2019

Institutions involved: Dissens – Institut für Bildung und Forschung e.V., Center for Equality Advancement, Center of Women’s Studies and Policies, Institut für Männer- und Geschlechterforschung im Verein für Männer- und Geschlechterthemen, Istituto degli Innocenti, Peace Institute Ljubljana

Target group: Educational professionals who work with boys, as well as multipliers for gender-reflective career orientation

Goals / Objectives /Aims:

This Handbook is a practice-oriented guide for educators on how to implement gender-reflective vocational orientation and implementation of gender-reflective career orientation for boys and young men. It talks about information and methods with which pedagogical professionals can support them in their choice of social, educational or caring professions.

Since it was written by organisations involved in a transnational project, it contains German and other European perspectives on the issue of empowering boys and young men to choose caring professions.

Content / Structure / Description including strengthening action competence

There are six modules on gender stereotypes, gender inequalities and the segregation of the labour market in the European Union, with a focus on caring professions:

  1. Debunking myths about gender
  2. Gender segregation of the labour market
  3. Gender sensitivity in the education system
  4. Caring masculinity
  5. Gender-reflective career guidance with a focus on boys*.
  6. Visions for gender equality

Each module contains theoretical context and at least one method for social work with boys.

The next chapter contains methods that are explicitly suitable for gender-reflective pre- and post-processing of job information days.

Results / Responses → Resulting Competences:

This handbook enables to grasp the needs and challenges of boys and the gendered expectations in education, career guidance and care work. Therefore it helps educators and carreer guides to offer gender-reflective vocational orientation that reflects role expectations of traditional images of masculinity and to offer alternatives.

Feedback / Evaluation of the practice: This Handbook is an important contribution to a career (and life) decision that  are more independent of gender stereotypes.

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