Organisator: UK Government

Target: Primary schools teachers’

Description: In the UK in 2007, a career-related learning project for primary schools was introduced with one of its aims being “to inhibit stereotyped and self-limiting thinking” of careers.

Objectives/Purpose – Skill/ability/area trained:

The specific goals of the Pathfinder pilot itself were to:

  • Increase pupils’ awareness of career/work opportunities;
  • Increase their understanding of the link between education, qualifications, and work opportunities;
  • Reduce gender-specific career/role stereotypes; and,
  • Engage parents/carers in the process and so change their attitudes, perceptions, and aspirations relating to their children’s education and career choices.

Outcomes – Expectations:

Pathfinder pilot therefore focused on developing pupils’ growing perception of their own place in the world of work. By enabling pupils to learn about themselves and the occupational choices they could have, through a programme of career-related learning, the intention was to help them develop a better view of their self-efficacy.

Activity/Exercise description:

A multi-method approach was employed and based on three strands:

  • A scoping study. Document reviews and telephone interviews with key personnel from seven LAs running the Pathfinder programme were employed to examine implementation plans and activities.
  • Quantitative data collection and analysis. A quasi-experimental design involving 120 comparison schools matched to 38 Pathfinder (treatment) schools was used. Three surveys of the same pupils were conducted. In addition, a school questionnaire was completed by headteachers, to find out which career-related learning activities each school was engaged in.
  • Case studies. Seven case study schools were selected, one in each participating LA, and they were visited in two stages. In total, during the first round of visits, 60 face-to-face interviews were conducted with staff and pupils. The same interviewees (where possible) took part in the second visit; during the second round, 63 interviews were conducted involving school staff, pupils, parents/carers, and community Pathfinder partners.

Follow-up and measurement tools: Surveys/Face-to-face interviews

References/Resources/Further info:

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