Category: Talent naar de Top is a foundation in the Netherlands which aims to make the senior management of companies more inclusive.
Area: Gender inequality
Place/Country: The Netherlands
Date: Launched in 2008
Institutions involved: Organizations, government bodies, and educational institutions
Target group: Career guidance counselors, mentors, teachers and finally students, who have to decide on their career
Goals / Objectives /Aims:
The Talent naar de Top Charter offers guiding principles and clear agreements to support organizations in achieving gender and cultural diversity and inclusion structurally and effectively.
Content / Structure / Description including strengthening action competence
- Boardroom Coaching
- Cross Mentoring
- Training courses
Results / Responses → Resulting Competences:
Taking part in the Charter shows that your organization is committed to diversity and inclusion. You will be able to compare your process and results with other organizations. You will also have an excellent network with great opportunities.
Feedback / Evaluation of the practice:
Results of the 2021 Monitor/ Evaluation
The average percentage of women in senior management positions in the Netherlands increased from 32.1% to 33.2% in organizations that signed the Talent naar de Top Charter.
The average percentage of women in the Board of Directors has increased to 37.5%, in the Supervisory Boards of companies to 39% and in the Supervisory Boards of not-for-profit companies to 41% in the Netherlands.
In 2021, the number of women in senior management positions in the Netherlands increased in 68.3% of all the organizations. However, in 24.8% of the organizations the number of women in senior management positions decreased and in 6.9% of the organizations it remained the same.
In the Netherlands in 2021, nearly two thirds (62.7%) of all Charter organizations managed to achieve a sufficient gender balance in their Board of Directors. The majority of the Supervisory Boards of companies (83.7%) is well-balanced and 95.7% of the Supervisory Boards of not-for-profit companies also has a sufficient gender balance.
Charter organizations also set a good example when it comes to cultural diversity. Two thirds of the organizations taking part in the Cultural Talent naar de Top Monitor are now working with a target number for cultural diversity.
Although executive search agencies presented relatively fewer female candidates in the Netherlands, more women were appointed.
The Talent naar de Top Diamond Award winners are: NPO, ANWB and PwC (Cultural Diversity)
The Talent naar de Top Executive Search Award winner is: The Executive Network
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